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  • What version of Squirrel or Pika Should I be Using? - A very quick overview.
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    Instructions for joining the AMS email list for alerts to new versions.AMS Unit Mass Resolution Spectral Data Base.


  • ToF-AMS Software download page (for Squirrel, Pika, etc).
  • ToF-AMS list of papers (through 2015) & highlights.
  • (2006) which developed and reported those.
  • If you want to cite specifically the high-resolution fitting procedures in the software, please cite also DeCarlo et al.
  • Sueper and collaborators, ToF-AMS Data Analysis Software Webpage, "
  • If you want to cite this page in a publication, please cite "D.
  • 6.4 How do I analyze AMS data with Pika?.
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    6.3 How do I analyze AMS data with Squirrel?.6.2 How do I report a problem with the ToF-AMS Analysis software? (Squirrel, Pika, Apes, etc).5 Sparrow Light Scattering Module Analysis.4.4 Apes Code (The original APES, or APES classic, for use in Pika without HR species).4.3 Apes-in-Pika Code (APES code that has now been merged into Pika versions 1.07+, versions with HR species).4.2 Apes Light Code (A stand-alone APES for use in PMF results or for individual HR spectra).4 Apes (ToF-AMS High Resolution Elemental Analysis software).Generating size distribution, PToF image plots of HR PToF data. Perform the HR version of the DC marker subtraction

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    3.2.6 Exporting Results to the AMS High Resolution Database.3 Pika (ToF_AMS High Resolution Analysis software).2.2.10 Exporting Results to the AMS Unit Mass Resolution Database.2.2.9 Composition Dependent Collection Efficiency (CDCE Panel).2 Squirrel (ToF-AMS Unit Resolution Analysis Software).

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